Daniel Brühl Net Worth

Daniel Brühl

Daniel Brühl net worth:

$4 million

Daniel Brühl is a German-Spanish actor. He was already working at a young age in a German soap opera. He became more prolific on German cinema and ultimately received widespread recognition for his role in the German movie Good Bye, Lenin!. He was further acclaimed for his role in the Spanish movie Salvador (Puig Antich). His performance in this feature earned him a Goya Award for Best Actor. He became more prolific in international movies, appearing in the movies The Bourne Ultimatum, 2 Days in Paris, and John Rabe. Further success came when he starred in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds. His performance in the movie Rush in 2013 also earned him a BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actor.

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